The Protection Grounding Stone: Snowflakes Obsidian


A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian brings about a balance to body, mind and spirit. Snowflake Obsidian helps to keep centered and focused when any type of chaotic situation (office, commute, home, etc.) presents itself. Snowflake Obsidian can remove negativity from a space or person with ease.

Snowflake Obsidian helps to draw emotions to the surface and to examine harmful thought patterns. A good choice for past life work and Twin Flame guidance healing reading, healing by accessing to shadow work, Snowflake Obsidian heals old karmic patterns and helps in examining harmful thought patterns. Snowflake Obsidian promotes a sense of calm and inner centering which readies one for a deep meditative state.

Physically, Snowflake Obsidian is associated with the skeletal and vascular systems, and is said to support smooth skin.

In general, Obsidian is a very grounding and protective stone. It is used as a great cleanser of negative energies, helping to remove not only negativity experienced in the environment, but also that of one’s own emotions, such as anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, etc. Obsidian is often used for healing and releasing energy blockages, and has a tendency to work quickly to move truths to the surface to be resolved.

Properties for Stone:


Colour: Black with white spots

Crystal Matrix: Mixed

Earth Power: Mixed

Primary Chakra: Root-Chakra

Secondary Chakra:Sacral-Chakra, Solar-Plexus-Chakra

Crystal System: Amorphous-Crystal-System

Chemical Composition: SiO2 Silicon Dioxide with impurities

Astrological Sign: Capricorn, Virgo

Numerical Vibration: 8

Hardness: 5-to-5.5-Hardness

Issues and Ailments (Physical): Treats Veins and the skeleton and improves circulation. The elixir is good for the skin and eyes.

Issues and Ailments (Emotional):Calm, Calming, Loneliness, Lonely, Soothing

Issues and Ailments (Spiritual): Astral-Travel, Balance, Clairaudience, Dispel-Negativity, Increases-Sensitivity-to-Energy,Meditation,Protection-during-Psychic-Work, Synchronicity, Transformation

Affirmation: I am strong and highly adaptable.