Winter Solstice Incense

Winter Solstice Incense” is part of our Yuletide Traditions collection. Traditions such as bonfires, singing, dancing, and the cleansing of houses with incense smoke were once common during the “black nights”. 

Smudging incenses were used for driving away cantankerous spirits and unhappy emotions. The blend varies a bit from year to year, but the core element is the same. The Maydi brings a warm woodsy aroma which is enhanced by various other coniferous resins. My intent was to create a blend that contains the qualities that come to mind when thinking of sitting in front of a wood burning fireplace or a bonfire, but with a much smoother and sweeter smoke. This blend lends itself to both indoor and outdoor uses, and is suitable for use throughout the entire Yuletide season.

For those following the esoteric path, this blend make an exceptional smudging incense for both the ritual space and the rest of ones living quarters and around the outdoor property. This incense is thought to be useful for banishing negative energies and welcoming more benevolent spirits.

This incense is for creating a family harmonious energies ; security; safety; thankfulness; and charity.

Celebrate winter solstace energy all year long with this wonderful incense blend. Call the warmth of the sun or just enjoy the frangrance.

3 WS stick will replace ALL standard sticks in winter solstice ritual. Each WS = to all Banishment incenses. Each WS is calling for the Intention of Growth and Abundance. Eg: 1 WS + 1 PP = Abundance of Wealth. 1 WS is equivalent to 3 DB or 3 Amber, 1 WS = 3 FR….