Unity Consciousness

Unity consciousness comes after understanding the nature of oneness.

It comes after making the small (or huge!) and necessary adjustments to our inner perspective, in order to begin to witness our unconscious beliefs in duality, and rise above them.

It comes after doing this consistently, recognizing the illusion in waking and sleeping life.

Unity consciousness expands this knowing into feeling, and experiences of oneness, in ways that would currently be deemed unbelievable! It is when our single, localized point of perspective ceases to exist and we can experience life from the perspective of another, as limitations of time and place are no longer there.

But unity consciousness does mean continuing to exist here, on Earth. I think some people envisage ‘ascending’ into Unity Consciousness as us somehow leaving this planet, but I believe we will all bring this level of existence here.

So it has to begin here, within each one of us

In order to explain further, here is one of the best illustrations that I have come across, from the ‘A Speaks’ series:

Everything that you think is real, right from the stars in the sky to your very own body, is all made up of atoms.  This you probably know. You probably also know that these atoms are made up of subatomic particles.  But what you might not have known is that sub-atomic particles are not really particles.  Not in the way you might imagine a particles to be. They are not very small little balls or building blocks.  No, they are, actually nothing more than patterns in the background energy.  You can imagine, if you like that there is a sea of infinite energy and in that sea, a little eddy forms.  The pattern of that eddy becomes stable and does not simply fade away when it interacts with another eddy that has a complementary pattern.  And so the two patterns dance together for a while.  And there you are with your finest scientific equipment, and you look at this dance and instead of seeing a romance between two patterns of energy, you think you are looking at a particle – perhaps a proton – inside an atom.  But I hope you have noticed the important part of this tale.  This was the fact that those particles – in fact all particles in the whole universe – are all composed of patterns in the same one infinite, universal energy field.  You see: ONE energy field makes up everything in your whole universe.  This means that EVERYTHING that you think is real is actually just patterns and variations in the same one energy”.
It is at the macro and the micro levels – at the infinitely large, and the infinitely small places that this truth of oneness is starting to become visible, as this is where the illusion of duality and separation is breaking down.  Incredibly, we are living through the moments on Earth, when this is now being realized by science, through the study of Birkeland currents (at the macro scale), and through quantum theory (at the micro scale).

In the ordinary scale and activity of everyday life, our state of oneness with infinite consciousness seems largely invisible, instead replaced by separation.  But still, we are each made up of a few ripples in that singular blanket of energy, so our feelings, thoughts and actions continue to create patterns, which affect the whole, whether or not we are aware.

Beginning to get a grasp of the concept of  infinite consciousness, and the origin of creation is one thing, and it does take time and adjustment.  But unity consciousness exists a few steps further on.


What is Higher Consciousness and How we can access it?

Compassion is the signature of Higher Consciousness. Non-violence is the tool to evolve into the Higher Consciousness.
Amit Ray

When we speak of higher consciousness, what we are referring to is the activation of the part of our brain which we typically do not access, at least not for lengthy periods of time. As human beings, we spend most of our lives functioning in states of lower consciousness, where what we are principally concerned with is ourselves, our survival and our own success, narrowly defined.

When you operate from your higher consciousness you are working from outside of lower consciousness, also referred to as the ‘ego’. When we function from the ego, we tend to be more self involved and self focused as individuals. When we are working out of higher consciousness, we access the parts of our brain that make us more self aware, less selfish, and we display more empathy, compassion and kindness. We act from love rather than from fear.

Higher consciousness is a huge triumph over the primitive mind which cannot envisage any such possibilities. Ideally, we would be a little more alive to the advantages of this higher mind and strive to make our oceanic experiences somewhat less random and less clothed in unnecessary mystery.

In a fast paced world which can appear to be driven by ego and fueled by technology, fame, material possessions and status; moments accessing the higher consciousness within us is necessary for balance both individually and collectively.

It is within this type of introspection that we gain insights into ourselves and indeed others that would perhaps have gone long unnoticed. When we actively seek to understand ourselves in this way, we are open to see the thoughts and belief systems that we have running in the background of our minds, which are allowing decisions and choices to be made unconsciously that perhaps don’t serve us.

How can we access Higher Consciousness?

There are two very clear ways to access your higher consciousness- intention and stillness (Meditation).

By setting the intention to access your this part of your brain, you are immediately creating the space for it to happen. Once you have the space and the intention, next you need stillness (Meditation). In the beginning stages of this practice you do not need to sit for hours in meditation, you could try for 5 minutes at a time. Simply sit, breathe deeply and hold that intention of opening up a dialogue with your higher consciousness. Pay attention to what you see in your minds eye. Do not attempt to label anything, just be.

If you practice every day, you will start to notice that your access to your higher consciousness will sharpen more and more. Your instincts will become sharper, you may start to feel happier and more clear in your mind, you may even start to notice that your intuition around certain things is stronger than it was.

All of these things point to an open awareness and a genuine connection to your higher consciousness. A pretty great skill to have don’t you think?

So, Try it today!



What is Samadhi? Samadhi is derived from the Sanskrit, meaning “together,” and dhi, meaning “mind.” Its most basic definition implies a complete state of concentration. Simply stated, samadhi is the mind’s ultimate state of being; it is enlightenment and the preliminary state to nirvana. A perfect union of the individualized soul with infinite spirit. A state of oneness; complete absorption.

Many a times, samadhis or exotic experiences of consciousness are equated with Self realization. Self realization for sure is not some samadhi as we typically understand it, nor some super exotic state of consciousness. Self realisation is simply being aware of awareness or abiding as awareness on effortless basis. This awareness is not created at the time of awakening but gets acknowledged concurrent with destruction of ego. The ‘oh‘ or ‘wow‘ after Self realization is wondering for missing this simple awareness, which while always present, never gets acknowledged during life with ego.

Self realization is often thought of as exalted state of samadhi, needing intense practise of meditations.
Constant discipline and daily meditation practice help each of us to rise up and break the old patterns and habits. While we might not attain samadhi in this lifetime, we are certainly better off and more evolved as humans when we practice meditation.

Finally, as you grow, remember to treat yourself with compassion, love, understanding, and forgiveness. You will fail, fall back into your old patterns, and forget what you’ve learned—that is inevitable. Always remember your own divinity. Remember that you are filled with absolute love and nothing less. And most of all, remember that’s it’s a journey and not a destination.

Namaste Om.

Rebirthing Meditation

The subconscious is the “storehouse of misery”. The reason we suffer and we cannot get out of old habits of negativity is that the subconscious is overloaded. Rebirthing meditations help unclog the subconscious so that your “home within yourself” will shine and be purified. “A stinking subconscious blocks every happiness in life. If your subconscious is totally cleared and clean you’ll be a lot happier and more effective than you are today”. One of the meditation that helps to clear our negativity in our subconscious is the Mountain Meditation. By picturing in your mind’s eye as best you can the most beautiful mountain that you know or have seen or can imagine. Just holding the image and feeling of this mountain in your mind’s eye, letting it gradually come into greater focus. 

By becoming the mountain in our meditation practice, we can link up with its strength and stability and adopt it for our own. We can use its energies to support our energy to encounter each moment with mindfulness and equanimity and clarity. It may help us to see that our thoughts and feelings, our preoccupations, our emotional storms and crises, even the things that happen to us, are very much like the weather on the mountain. We tend to take it all personally but its strongest characteristic is impersonal. The weather of our own lives is not to be ignored or denied. It is to be encountered, honoured, felt, known for what it is and held in awareness. And in holding it in this way, we come to know a deeper silence, and stillness, and wisdom. Mountains have this to teach us and much more if we can come to listen.

Incorporating lovingkindness meditation as part of the rebirthing meditation supports our awareness practices too. Lovingkindness meditation also helps to align and heal us mentally, physically and emotionally.  

So the next time you do rebirthing meditation which is mainly breath works, try incorporating Mountain and Lovingkindness meditation into it and notice how the effects are benefiting you.

Till the next time.

The Fool’s Journey

If you are familiar to using Tarot Cards, you will notice most of the tarot deck has the Fool as the beginning card, the starting of the journey through life. The Fool’s Journey is a metaphor for the journey through our life.

We begin with the Fool (0), a card of beginnings. The Fool stands for each of us as we begin our journey of life. We are a fool because only a simple soul has the innocent faith to undertake such a journey with all its hazards and pain.
At the start of our trip, the Fool is a newborn – fresh, open and spontaneous.

You will see that in the Fool Card, the man has his arms flung wide, and his head held high. He is ready to embrace whatever comes his way, but he is also oblivious to the cliff edge he is about to cross. The Fool is unaware of the hardships he will face as he ventures out to learn the lessons of the world. Isn’t this familiar in our life?

The Fool stands somewhat outside the rest of the major arcana. Zero is an unusual number. It rests in the exact middle of the number system – poised between the positive and negative. At birth, the Fool is set in the middle of his own individual universe. He is strangely empty (as is zero), but imbued with a desire to go forth and learn. This undertaking would seem to be folly, but is it?

It is important that we realize that we are the Fool and the Journey of the Fool is our own adventure through the magical realm of archetypal energies. The Fool an everyman character,is how we begin and how we end, from our childish wobbles and gibberish to our drooling dotage.

“The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.” – Touchstone in ‘As You Like It’


Till the next time…

Rebirth is a journey of awakening

Our memory is not only the home of our life story. It holds a key to the essence of who we are.

The wholeness of our souls continually beckons us through disturbing feelings and events to awaken to the unmet potentials within us – as maturing individuals, as a rapidly changing culture and as an evolving human species.

As we search for meaning in our lives and for the means to allay suffering, these core questions – Who am i ? Why am i here? usually come up. The heart of all rebirth work is to awaken consciousness so that you can experience the answers to these questions by remembering how you were created.

Our living on Earth can therefore be described as a training camp to regain personality traits like unconditional love, self honesty, happiness, modesty and humbleness. Family, friends, acquaintances and “coincidental” encounters are our training partners for the souls on their way back to the divine origin.

The essence of our discussion on Rebirth is to recognize the motivation of our souls for reincarnation (rebirth) and to hopefully draw conclusions for the personal life (being the current incarnation).


Channelling: Voices from Within

Channeling is a powerful means of spiritual unfoldment and conscious transformation. As you channel you build a bridge to the higher realms — a loving, caring, purposeful collective higher consciousness, the All-that-Is, or the Universal Mind…. Channeling involves consciously shifting your mind and mental space in order to achieve an expanded state of consciousness.

To achieve this expanded state of consciousness, channelers usually meditate, trying to break free of worldly influences and tune in to a higher consciousness. They may imagine themselves seeking out specific spirits of the dead, or they may be contacted, apparently unbidden, by some unknown force that wishes to communicate.

With these myriad spiritual energies surrounding us all the time, it is of greatest benefit to hear the lessons they are offering us which will aid and ease our human experience.

Some channelers have been proven frauds who pretend to contact the dead for fame or fortune, though most people who channel sincerely believe that some unseen spirit uses their bodies as a vessel to dispense truth and wisdom. In the end, there is nothing pathological about channeling, but nor is it an unexplained conduit to another dimension.

Till the next time


When you incarnate into your human life experience your SOUL has made the decision to choose a life where certain contracts are played out, these show up in your life experience as relationships and situations. There are various roles that the SOUL plays, you play a role for all who are in your life experience at the moment, whether that be a role of brother, sister, wife, mother etc, it is but a role. These roles were agreed upon at SOUL level and then “forgotten” on incarnation. The usual life experience for a human is to work through the contracts and karma during their time here on planet earth.

When a soul leaves one embodiments, one incarnation, and is in the spirit world, it goes through a period of rest and then before coming into a new incarnation, will decide what experiences and souls to meet in the coming incarnation. This very much depends on their performances during their previous incarnations. Because what happens is that every thought, word and action that they put forward is an energy which goes outwards to the universe and in a circular form it eventually returns back to them. 

Now, if its a strong charge this energy has a long term implications and it might take a long time to return. If it doesn’t have so much strength, then the experience brings a more immediate response. So whatever we are sending out eventually will come back to us. 

In simple terms, if we’re sending out a balanced energy then this increases the reservoirs of our Light. In addition, this energy will return back to us and in a form of – what we could call – a good luck, or a good fortune. But if the energy we are sending out is imbalanced, that eventually will also come back to us and it comes with the experience of suffering, of pain or misfortune. How the soul/ the individual will receive the return of good karma and the return of negative karma is based on the Law of Cause and Effect – The Law of Circle.

So, we decide and we get into agreement with other souls / individuals, as to what their role would be in their connection with us, for us to be able to fulfil that obligation. However, we also create contracts that we sign with our own self.

Now when we come in embodiment, we have lessons to learn. Through that embodiment, there is a conscious but most of the time a subconscious choice of the lessons we wish to learn which are included in the original pre-birth (Sacred) contract. If at some point in our life we become aware of this “contract” we have the permission to consciously decide that we do not want this contract anymore. As per the law of free choices and free will, we can cancel it and we can rewrite a new one.  Now, in my understanding, what happens in this situation, we either postpone what needs to be learned because at the moment we feel you can’t handle it, or we don’t want to handle it. Alternatively we have gained clarity as to what we have learned through the lesson of this specific contract we have signed and we are still in it because mainly of habit ( a training hologram).

Will leave the training hologram in my future blog. 

Till the next time….

Mind – an advanced aspect of your true being

Many hold the belief that the mind is somewhat part of the brain or connected to another physical part of the human body. This is incorrect as the human brain is very physical and can be realised within the range of the five main senses. It is physical object that the eyes can see and the hand can hold.

The mind on the other hand is not physical. It cannot be seen with the eyes, measured with instruments or repaired in surgery. This entails that the brain is not the mind, but simply a part of the physical body. There is nothing within the body that can be identified as being the mind because your body and mind are different. For example, sometimes, when your body is relaxed and immobile, the mind can be very busy, darting from one thought to another.

If the mind is neither the brain nor any other part of the body, then what is it? It is a formless continuum that functions to perceive and understand objects. Because the mind is formless or non-physical by nature, it is not obstructed by physical objects, -an advanced aspect of your true being.

It is very important to be able to distinguish the disturbed states of mind from peaceful states. Only an unbalanced state of mind can disturb your inner peace. Thoughts based on anger, jealousy and desirous attachment can be labelled ‘delusions’, the principal underlying cause for much of humanity’s suffering.

You may think that your suffering is caused by other people, poor material conditions or society, but in reality, it derives from your own deluded states of mind. The essence of most Soulvana (Spiritual) practices is to reduce and eventually eradicate your delusions and replace them with permanent inner peace. This is a large aspect of human life.

An essential understanding in which you need to align with is that liberation from suffering cannot be found outside of mind and your own heart. Permanent liberation can only be realised by purifying the mind. Therefore, if you want to become free from problems and attain lasting peace and happiness, then you need to increase your knowledge and understanding of how the mind operates.

Scientific research suggests that humans are only using about 8% to 12% of their brain power; the same goes for the capacity of the mind. When we are consciously awake, we are utilising 10% of the mind. The other 90% is the subconscious mind, which is programmable similar to a computer. Many have been programmed by outside sources in ways only the subconscious intelligence can define and store, mainly from symbolic advertisements, radio, TV, society’s expectations and so on. This conditioning can build up layers of an illusory personality, causing somebody to never be themselves from heart, a catalyst for suffering and unhappiness.

You may have heard the term ‘thoughts are things’, as there are many published self-help books available centred on the subject of thought power. Remember, you are a creator being in the creator universe. Anything is possible with the right knowledge, dedication and self-belief.
